Happy Hour 6PM

Come and start your Friday night off right. Happy hour will occur on lot 67 and is co-hosted by Randy & Laurie with Dan & Barb

Volleyball Practice 9:30 AM

Volleyball Courts

Come out and enjoy some volleyball. This is just pickup version so anyone can join in on the fun.

St. Patty Day’s Dance Party 9PM


It's not just the luck of the Irish that can get your jig on. Come on down to the clubhouse and enjoy the evening.

Breakfast 8AM


Come down to the clubhouse and enjoy a club sponsored breakfast.

Spring Meeting 10AM


This is a meeting of Oakwood members. We have a semi-annual meeting, once around Memorial day and once around Labor Day to conduct the business of the campground. We use this time together to keep members informed on a variety of topics. All members are encouraged to attend and participate. Oakwood members please log in to see more details on this meeting. Main items for spring meeting include Budget Approval Capital Requests approval Formation of a Nominating committee & an Election committees. We will be having a dream session. What does that mean? Well it means what do you want from Oakwood? What amenities do we want added? How can we improve Oakwood? Committee Reports Finance Committee Report - Brian/Sandy Membership Recruitment Committee Audit Committee Introduction and Report - Janice Membership Relations Introduction - No Report allowed - John M Property - Ed Update on Pickleball courts Planning Committee - Dave Activities/Food - Ellie/Amy & Celeste Bylaws Report - Cherie Communications - Mark

Memorial Day Service 10AM


Come and recognize the sacrifices of each of our fallen soldiers who died protecting this country. See Ted for signing up for a field of flags for the remembrance during the weekend. Plan to include name, rank, date and place of sacrifice.

Volleyball Practice 9:30AM

Volleyball Courts

Come on out and enjoy some naked volleyball. This is a pickup version so anyone can join in. It's ok even if it is your first time trying it out.

Volleyball Practice 9:30AM

Volleyball Courts

Come on down with whatever skills you have and enjoy some volleyball. This is just an open style of play so all are welcome.

Board Game Night 7PM


Bring your favorite board game down to the clubhouse for and enjoyable evening of fun and conversation. Don't forget the new style of games similar to Settlers of Catan as well.

RIBS AND ROSES WEEKEND (Father’s Day Saturday)


Come on down and celebrate Father's day weekend with us. This year, Saturday is chock full of activity. Saturday 9AM begins the rib cookoff. Come on down and throw your hand into the contest for best ribs. If you're a visitor let us know when you sign up to visit that you'd like to participate. Please bring your own grill for cooking or ask if one can be made available for you. Saturday 11AM Ribbon Cutting ceremony for pickleball court. Check out our latest addition to Oakwood Club. Saturday 3:30PM will be lunch/dinner. Voting on best ribs will occur. Come hungry and enjoy the variety of ribs prepared throughout the day. Saturday 8PM Oakwood will be celebrating Prom! Get all dolled up as nudists do and dance your heart out to the Richie Gunnz band. This will be a weekend for all the Fathers, Mothers and wannabes out there. So, no matter your current lot in life come on down and enjoy a great Saturday. Then on Sunday take some time to honor Dad!