All Day

RIBS AND ROSES WEEKEND (Father’s Day Saturday)


Come on down and celebrate Father's day weekend with us. This year, Saturday is chock full of activity. Saturday 9AM begins the rib cookoff. Come on down and throw your hand into the contest for best ribs. If you're a visitor let us know when you sign up to visit that you'd like to participate. Please bring your own grill for cooking or ask if one can be made available for you. Saturday 11AM Ribbon Cutting ceremony for pickleball court. Check out our latest addition to Oakwood Club. Saturday 3:30PM will be lunch/dinner. Voting on best ribs will occur. Come hungry and enjoy the variety of ribs prepared throughout the day. Saturday 8PM Oakwood will be celebrating Prom! Get all dolled up as nudists do and dance your heart out to the Richie Gunnz band. This will be a weekend for all the Fathers, Mothers and wannabes out there. So, no matter your current lot in life come on down and enjoy a great Saturday. Then on Sunday take some time to honor Dad!